Local Government Services

Texas Revenue Recovery Association

Since 2003, the PRPC has administered the Texas Revenue Recovery Association (TRRA) system. Originally the system focused only on the Texas Panhandle, but as communities outside of the region have requested admission to the program it has expanded statewide. TRR was originally started by a small group of cities in the Texas Panhandle looking for a way to collect the unpaid bills from the residents as they move to a new town. Residents were moving from town to town leaving large utilities bills behind each time.

The TRRA provides member communities the opportunity to track and recover these bills from other cities as people move from city to city. Currently, over 60 Cities participate in TRRA with more added each year.

PRPC has conducted a comprehensive upgrade to the TRRA system. This upgrade will improve the systems database and analytics while making day-to-day operation easier for individuals inputting data and delinquent accounts. With the more user-friendly system, TRRA is seeing a rapidly increased interest across the state.

Contact Information for TRRA

Kurt Grant

Local Government Services Program Specialist
Email: kgrant@theprpc.org
Email: trra@theprpc.org
Phone: (806)372-3381
Fax: (806)373-3268


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